My Success is Different Than Your Success

It took my whole life, literally 28 years, to realize that my version of success isn’t going to look like anyone else’s.

I’m cleaning out my office today in preparation to turn it back into a shooting space and am finding ALL THE THINGS. For example, my journal from 2019.

I wrote, “I will make six figures and be financially free.” I also wrote that I would be a wife too, but if you follow me on social media, you know how that’s going!

I wrote that in 2019. Right after a friend of mine told me she made $100,000.00 that year. I’m not one to compare myself to others but I couldn’t figure out how she made that and I didn’t. At the time I was definitely shooting more than her and I think I charged a little more too.

So the idea came into my head that making six figures would make me successful.

I busted my ass in 2020, I worked harder than I ever have in my life. I was shooting non-stop, was shut down from COVID-19 and had to reschedule 40 clients into an already packed schedule, my stress levels were high and I was tired!

BUT I DID IT! I made six figures AND I got completely out of debt AND for the first time in my life had a good chunk of money in my savings account.

I will tell you one thing, it still didn’t make me feel successful, it still didn’t feel like enough. It was then that I realized my level of success can’t be compared to someone else’s.

COME TO FIND OUT SHE LIED TO ME! Yup, she never even made that much!

The joke was on me, but it opened my eyes that I can’t compare my success to anyone else.

My version of success is:

  • Being financially free - to me this means having no debt and bringing in enough money so I don’t have to struggle

  • Creating work I love - this means always growing and learning and never working a job I don’t love and allowing myself to be creative and try new things

  • Taking time off - and not having to worry if I can afford to do it

  • Spending time with the people who mean the most to me - which I’m able to do because of how successful my business has become and that allows me to create a schedule that works for me

This year has been great, I was able to take most of the summer off and spend a lot of time at the beach. I set a goal to buy a house this year and we are in the process of doing so. As the year comes to an end I will set goals for 2022 that are made specifically for me and the things that are important to me.