What If #1

I decided right this second that I’m going to start a whole series on this sentence starter: WHAT IF…

I can’t begin to tell you how many emails I get that start with this. Let me begin by saying it’s OK and it’s NORMAL! I think we as women get so caught up on being perfect (or trying to be) that we forget that we are human. BEING A HUMAN MEANS WE ARE NOT PERFECT!

So here we go…

What If #1

What if I’m awkward?

I mean…aren’t we all a little awkward? I’m serious! There are definitely moments that come up in my life regularly that I’m like, “holy shit, that was so awkward.” Usually it’s because of me!

We aren’t experts in every part of our lives so there are things that aren’t going to feel as normal to us as they are to others.

For example, going LIVE on social media is one of those things that I’m just not good at. It’s awkward as fuckkkk for me but other people are GREAT at it! I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of anxiety that comes when the screen says 3…2…1…LIVE. Like ok, great, now what do I say? I’ll tell you what I say, UM…UMMM…UMMMMMM…. it really is pretty amusing how awkward I am.

So here’s my question, why do women think that being half naked, upside down, in front of a complete stranger wouldn’t be awkward?

It 100% is! You have NO IDEA what you’re doing! I can tell you from my own experience, as someone who DOES know what they’re doing it IS awkward being half naked in front of a stranger WITH A CAMERA!!!!! I swear, they tell me to put my hands over my head and I’m on the floor touching my toes. Again, amusing!

But I also believe being afraid of being awkward shouldn’t hold anyone back from booking a session. I have put so much time, money and training into learning all that I can and more about boudoir, posing my clients and working with all women to create beautiful, empowering images with everyone who goes in front of my camera. From what to do with your body to how to breathe through your lips, I guide clients through every pose from start to finish, so the awkwardness goes away, and usually pretty quickly!

So, with that being said…go on with your awkward self and book the damn shoot! You may be surprised to find out you’re not awkward at all!